Hey guys...
Sorry I haven't been able to do this post sooner, oven been on holiday for five weeks so I didn't have all my school stuff with me so it was harder to answer your questions. I hope you enjoy this post. I asked you all for questions on my Instagram @pastelthinking___
I'm really scared for being in a completely different class next year. Do you have any advice?
I'm also in a different class next year, my advice would be to forget about the fact that your with different people maybe it's a teacher you already know. For me I'm with different people but I know the teacher and he knows me so that makes it a bit better. If you literally don't know anyone, it's ok. You're there to learn at the end of the day, I know it sounds horrible but you're not there to hang out with friends during class, you're all there for the same reason. Also chances are there will be other people who are in the class that don't know people so maybe talk to them.
What are your bts must haves?
I would probably just say pens and pencil (usual pencil case stuff), spare pens, lip balm, hair bobbles, hair grips.
What are things you always need to have with you?
Basically everything I said in the last one. Also make sure you have some money and you're phone. Money so that if you forget to bring lunch or a drink you can buy one. Phone in case you need to contact your parents.
What GCSE's are you doing/want to do?
I'm doing double award science but higher maths. BTEC dance, GCSE PE, hospitality.
What bag do you have?

This bag was £29 from Accessorize
What are your pencil case must haves?
Any tips to keep focused whilst studying?
Yes, I know everyone says thus and all, but make sure all electronics are either turned off or with your parents or in a different room. Also log off everything if you're not going to actually turn them off because if you hear an alert you're going to want to know if someone has just left liked your picture or something. For some people having classical music on helps, this one isn't for me. My last one is to make all of your notes very colorful. When I take my notes I imagine I'm taking notes for someone that's not there so you will then make it as good as you can.
What's in your bag?
I've basically already covered what's in my bag, pencil case, emergency things, books, etc. I might do a post on this soon.
What are your school essentials?
Again I have already answered this in the question 'what are your bts must haves'
What are your tips for whatever year you just finished?
I'm not going to say what year I finished so I will give general tips. When your in years close to GCSE's (secondary school/high school) don't think oh I haven't actually started yet well acually i like u of this matters. IT DOES!! If you do badly in say year 9, it will definitely not help you in year 10+11. Do your homework, teachers don't set it to annoy you, they set it to help you. Take notes! Some of my teachers were like don't write this down but most of the time I would be like but it will help me so bring a note book and take notes in there. I try to write down as much as possible and then HIGHLIGHT because I enjoy reading through my work much more when it's colourful.

This is my notebook ~ paper chase £1 (sale)
These are my pencil cases. The top one is from super drug ~ £2.99 and the bottom from jack wills ~ £10 I think (I probably bought it in the sale)
This is the book I'm about to start reading. Will Grason Will Grayson ~ WHSmith.
That's all of the questions you guys asked. Please tell me what other posts you would like me to do. Sorry this was so late I've been on holiday for ages and only very recently got back. I hope you enjoyed this post and that it helped you all. Bye.
Pastel Blue