Monday, 4 May 2015

Summer fruits fizzy drink

Hey guys, so recently I have been wanting to create a summery drink that I can enjoy. I have been lovong fruit infused water recently, however I have wanted to make it a bit more insteresting, so I decided to add fiz to it. Anyway, I thought I would share the recipe for it with you guys. I hope you enjoy it, remeber please comment on any of my posts some questions for my Q&A. (I know I said my Q&A would be next, but I haven't had enough questions yet)

The first thing you need to do is pour some sparkling water into a jug. I poured it just under halfway as we will be adding more fluids in as well.

I then add 10 little drops and one big squeeze of lemon juice to the sparklling water. You can use pure lemon juice, lemon cordial or what I used(which is just what I would put on my pancakes). If you taste it now, then it should taste of sparkling water, with a hint of lemon(at this point it doesn't taste nice yet)

So the next thing I add is Blackcurrant squash. This is just the normal blackcurrant juice I would use to put in my water. Add just enough for it to go a dark colour (like on the next picture)

So this is what the finished drink looks like, I added some summer fruits (raspberries, blackberries etc) and some ice. You can leave this in the fridge overnight if you want a stronger taste, or you can leave it with the fruit in for a few hours, so that is has enough time to soak up the juice from the fruits. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, remeber to leave questions for my Q&A. (more information about Q&A on my last post). Thank you. See you soon.

Pastel Blue


    •What's your fav sport?
    •Who do you take your inspiration from?
    •Do you like dancing?
    •How did you get into doing a blog and why?

    1. Thank you, I shall add them to my list x
