Saturday, 20 June 2015

DIY box swap

Hey guys...
So as you may already know, I did a box swap with tuts and triumph. This post will tell you how to do a box swap, with some little tips along the way. I hope you enjoy it. 

So the first step is to decide who you are going to do the box swap with. Obviously it needs to be someone you like, maybe you have just become friends with another blogger, or maybe it's someone from school. Whoever it is, they need to know. 

Then you have to discuss together a budget and if you want, a theme. Our budget was £10. Obviously if you have a lot of money, maybe left over from your birthday then you could you more, however I think £10 is a reasonably good price. We then said we could if we really had to, we could go over by a few pounds but no more than £5 over. 

Now it's up to you. Go out shopping and find the perfect presents. Try and get things you know they would never get themselves, but make sure they will still be useful. For example; I got tutus and triumph some reusable ice cubes. I know that she would never get them for herself, but also know they will come in handy for summer. 

Some shops you could try are:
- Poundland
- Boots
- Superdrug
- Primark
- New Look

It's now all about making the box look good. I got some buttons and ribbon, and glued it to the bottom. Then I wrapped it up with pink polka dot wrapping paper. 

Now all that's left to do is swap.

I hope you enjoyed this. Make sure to check out my Instagram: pastelthinking___ 

Pastel Blue

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